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什么是发卷带魔术贴刘海贴粘扣带 无痕刘海贴 美发贴 魔法发贴 发贴怎么用?

发布时间: 2019-05-27 18:45 更新时间: 2019-05-27 18:45


无痕刘海贴 美发贴 魔法贴 贴


规格:60*90MM (可以订做各种规格)(中间可以做各种图形或图案,如蝴蝶结、云朵、心形等图形)


产品说明:卷发魔术贴发卷带, 魔术贴发卷带,该产品用在美容美发、卷发方面,还可以在女士化妆或洗脸时用来将前面的头发粘住而不掉下来影响操作,使用方便简单、反复耐用,造型漂亮,色彩丰富。有诸多规格和颜色提供选择。

特点:勾面排列整齐,勾长3MM,即细又长,特别柔软,使用起来特别方便,同时可以冲型成各种形状,可以用于洗脸、洗澡时贴在头上,以免头发掉到水里或淋湿,还可以用在美发方面,使头发快速定型。粘扣带(魔术贴) 粘扣带能取代传统的扣子,拉链…等固定方式,具备使用更方便,功能更强大,接着度强,抗拉,环保,可水洗/干洗…等优点.


耐热性:180℃ 开始软化,215℃-230℃ 开始熔化.

耐寒性:于零下 20℃ 低温下仍可使用。





Supply of hair curling tape magic stickers

Product Deion: Curly Hair Magic tape.

Sticking tape (magic tape) can replace traditional buttons, zippers, etc. Fixed way, with more convenient to use, more powerful function, followed by strong, tensile, environmental protection, washable / dry cleaning. And so on.

Hair ribbon magic stickers are suitable for: electronic technology industry, electrical products, fixed items, electronic wires, medical equipment, machinery interior, sports goods, medical straps, abrasives, clothing, handbags, toys, tents, shoes and hats, handicrafts, etc.

Heat resistance: softening at 180 and melting at 215 230 C.

Cold resistance: It can still be used at low temperature of minus 20 C.

Water resistance: 50% 25 pulling force can be retained in water, and 25 can be restored after drying.

Drug resistance: Salt soda water, ammonia, hydrochloric acid and nitric acid can be used normally at a certain solubility.

Durability: more than 10,000 times.

The raw materials and dyes used in magic tape products are approved by international (EU) standards, low toxicity and environmental protection (excluding six toxic qualities) (excluding AZO) standards, and have reached the level of both superiority and superiority of similar products through the inspection of the National Line and Strip Supervision Bureau. They can be customized according to drawings and samples. They can be used

to develop new products for customers and pack them according to customers'requirements.


  • 地址:中国 广东 深圳市 深圳市龙岗区龙岗街道南联社区水口村
  • 邮编:518115
  • 电话:86-0755-89752695
  • 经理:余福气
  • 手机:13802562274
  • 传真:86-0755-89752695
  • QQ:154489269